Me and my my "Main Squeeze"

Friday, December 6, 2013

God of the Nth, or Merry Christmas

When it comes to grasping divinity it is too hard and too big for my mind.

I remember in my school days that exponents were used to describe large numbers . . . the kind the mind can't grasp.  The the biggest and largest number was referred to as the "nth" power.  When you move into calculus they increase the abstract to the "n+1" power.  In other words, the largest possible number there is . . . plus one.

Even this falls far short of completely illustrating the vastness of our creator.

The theologian, in the same way as simple math, falls short of explaining God to us and like calculus we need to move further with the help of the poet and the mystic . . . but even that is not enough.

And yet, God himself placed all of who he is into a person . . . Jesus . . . so he could be one of us . . . and live with us . . . and we could see him, touch him, understand him, and amazingly so he could show us how much he loves us and desires an intimate relationship with . . . me . . . and you.

That is why the angels shouted out Glory to God in the Highest!!

Something to think about this Christmas.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Heart of the Matter

All things in the scriptures were written for us . . . but not all things in the scripture were written to us.


Jeremiah 17:9  says "The human mind is more deceitful than anything else.
It is incurably bad. Who can understand it?".  
Many teachers have convinced people who are in Christ that this is true of them.  It is sad to see.
Jesus IS the cure.  Jesus came to remove our stony heart and give us a heart of flesh.  Those who are in Christ are NEW creations, the old is passed away and all things are new.  Those that are in Christ have the Spirit dwelling in their hearts.  

Listen to your heart.  Follow your heart, for this is the dwelling place of the very God.